What is the Nehemiah Leadership Institute?
The objective of the Nehemiah Leadership Institute is to equip ministry leaders to multiply ministry through mobilizing and equipping others. Participants will experience true growth as a leader from the inside out—in character, attitudes, skills, and habits. Participants will learn to give ministry away with confidence and learn how to build into people. Participants will walk away with a clearer vision for ministry, supported by a working, organized plan. Course content is Christ-centered and transferable to all vocations. If you’re ready for an experience that will give you much more than a notebook full of ideas, this course is for you.
Leadership training for experienced church leaders, including:
Pastors - senior and associate
Directors of equipping and lay ministries
Youth and children's ministers
Christian education directors
Elders or key congregational leaders
Transforming ministries flow out of transformed leaders. If you want to arrive at a new destination in ministry, you must leave the well-worn path you've been traveling and venture out into new territory. Nehemiah Leadership Institute will take you there.
Your time will be spent primarily in interaction, application and skill development - not merely listening to lectures. The class environment is active and affirming, with opportunities to build friendships with others in ministry. Time is allotted to assess where you are, determine where you want to be, and work on the skills and plans to take you there.
Course Benefits During the Nehemiah Leadership Institute:
Challenged to see and think in new ways
Gain a clearer vision and direction for your ministry
Develop a concrete strategy and plan to help vision become reality
Experience true growth as a leader from the inside out -- in character, attitudes, skills, and habits
Learn how to give ministry away with confidence
Learn how to build people and help them succeed
Discover how you can have more time for you and your family as you pursue your dreams while serving a growing, expanding ministry
Become a person who draws the best out of all the people around you
Learn how to live with more purpose and passion and help others to do the same
Learn how to multiply your church’s ministry through God’s people.
Training Schedule
Institute held as three 1 week segments, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. A map, schedule and more details about the training session will be mailed to participants upon registration.
Interested in The Nehemiah Leadership Institute? Contact us at 763-535-6484 or use the form below: